This LES allows the student to understand the concepts related to the properties of solutions as well as to electrical engineering. First, an scientific investigation process will lead the student to prepare an antiseptic solution with a given concentration. Next, a design process will allow the student to perfect a non-contact solution dispenser, controlled by an electric circuit. The following techniques are broached: preparing a solution, using an instrument of measurement, diagramming, assembly and disassembly.
• Overview of the LES: Find the solution
• Outline of the LES: Find the solution
• Student Booklet: Find the solution
• Teacher’s Guide: Find the solution
• Technical File: Assembly of the Colorimeter
• « Excel » File: Calibration of the Colorimeter (Mac)
• « Excel » File: Calibration of the Colorimeter (PC)
• Technical File: Assembly of the Panel
• Technical File: Panel Component