Activities created within the framework of training sessions
These activities were designed whithin the framework of training and support activities in a math – science and technology collaboration.
All the documents are in PDF, unless otherwise indicated.
Annexes – Mathematical concepts used in the activities developed by the CDP
Here are three annexes produced by the mathematics program team. These documents are planning reference documents. Each annex covers one cycle of elementary school. It highlights the mathematical concepts used in the activities developed by the CDP within the framework of its mandate for training and support in science and technology. In the annexes, you will find all the statements of the Progression of Learning in math targeted by each activity available on the site.
• Cycle 1 : Annex – Mathematical concepts used in activities for elementary cycle one
• Cycle 2 : Annex – Mathematical concepts used in activities for elementary cycle two
• Cycle 3 : Annex – Mathematical concepts used in activities for elementary cycle three